What Is Bounce Rate In SEO - Web Solutions Company India

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What Is Your Bounce Rate

What Is Your Bounce Rate

When measuring a website's effectiveness and popularity, bounce rate is one of those important factors to be considered. To be defined, bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left a site from the entrance first (landing) page. A high bounce rate generally indicates that site start page could not impress your visitor enough to stay and know more about your site/company/services. A not enough good first impression, or irrelevant content, usually disinterests a visitor and keeps them from freely investigating the full content of a site.

A low bounce rate means that visitors are exploring the website in greater detail. And in return, this means that they are interested in the site's content. Hence, we assist our client's in inferring and measuring their site's bounce rates and about improving the site content so as the site keeps having returning users who keep themselves updated via the site, new users who reaches site via search engine for a specific term and now its all upon site content and look as to how to keep him busy studying as much of the site and thirdly a casual visitor who can later turn into a potential client just because he was impressed by the site and its content. Our web design company guides and assists its clients to achieve all three above stated visitors.

As per our web marketing strategies, we tell our clients the ways to orient their visitors and the most important, to make the links highly visible and relevant to the current page, to make the page look very user friendly and function very user friendly too.

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