Landing Page Design - Responsive Website Designs India

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Landing Page

Landing Page

As per Wikipedia, landing page is a single web page that appears in response to clicking on a search result reached via search engine optimization or an online advertisement. Designing and targeting a beautiful landing page to the respective page of your custom website that it speaks about, keeps your visitor from getting confused and losing interest. Your custom website designer should take ample care while designing landing page for its key elements and their presentation.
A professional landing page design convinces your visitor to fill up the form or to click to reach your target page on the website. Key points to be considered while designing and wording a perfect landing page » 
  • Avoiding much of navigation to keep away user confusion about the target or advertised service or product.

  • Landing page should convey its message in lesser words and use of graphic can add to visitor interest.

  • Heading and main content should be related.

  • Use of clear and user friendly, easy to understand language.

  • Use of client testimonials, guarantee seals, offers, any social mentions etc helps in winning visitor trust.

  • Use a strong, attractive and easy call to action.

  • Use of images and videos related to the content.

  • A professional graphic design company shall keep testing and be versatile while rendering you with your custom landing page design.

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