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About Rss

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary; syndicating means republishing an article that comes from another source such as a website.

A website's updates can be publicised through RSS. RSS that is accompanied by image or text summaries (thus Rich Site Summary) allow users to skim through the article to help them see if they wish to access the website source. The RSS feed usually contains the title of the update originating from the website and usually links to the website source.

What are the benefits of RSS? RSS has benefits for both readers (users) and web publishers.

1. Provides the latest updates be it about the weather, new music, software upgrade, local news, or a new posting from a rarely-updated site.

2. Surfing time is saved as user can keep his priority of reading or surfing the net articles through rich site summary.

3. User can access power of subscription.
Users get a choice on which websites to subscribe in their RSS aggregators

4. Removes the hastle n'clutter in inbox.
Although the email address is required to access the services of online RSS aggregators, RSS does not use the email address to send the updates. Hence, it is also spam free.

5. Unsubscribing is easy and free of any irritating questions opposite to the case of email.

6. Serves as an advertising or marketing tool.
Users who subscribe or syndicate product websites receive the latest news on products and services without the website sending spam mail.

At our web design company, we keep in mind all pros and cones according to each individual site and work meticulously to provide them the RSS feature to their custom website design.

Just an interesting fact - RSS and Internet Marketing

Netscape had begun this concept just in order to provide a means for users to customize their personal homepage to contain links to websites that they like, similar to bookmarking websites.

RSS teamed with internet marketing provides its users the freedom to add RSS feeds to their aggregators, those who are interested in particular products and services available on the internet can now be notified real time, hence makinh marketing more target specific.

Undoubtedly, RSS is an innovation in information management on the worldwide web as well as online marketing and our web design company has good enough experience in the same.

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