Android Application Development- Jelly Bean

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Best android Application

Jelly Bean is the fastest and smoothest version of Android till yet, Android 4.1. Travelling between apps and screens is as smooth as turning pages of a book. Its triple buffering system renders faster and smoother response while switching screens or apps. It gives a better touch screen experience and turns down the screen when not in use thus saving battery life.
New attractions of Jelly Bean include-
  »  There is full support for Braille accessibility services and blind people can use the Gesture mode alongwith speech outputs for navigation.
  »  User can easily navigate and move between texts, pages, paragraphs.
  »  Has been enabled with a TalkBack screen-reader.
  »  Phone can be easily connected to other devices through Bluetooth and sharing of photos and videos can be enjoyed.
  »  With better browser performance, pages load faster and move smoother.
  »  Better touch screen to be able to play and pause video and move into and out of the fullscreen mode.
  »  Browser also supports vertical text now.

Other than the above, there are many more features of Jelly Bean which definitely are an attraction. To know more about the same, feel free to get in contact with our web application developers or you can read more at the following path, source of above information -

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