Web Application Development Company - Multi Level Dropdown Menu

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Multi Level Dropdown Menu

Multi Level Dropdown Menu

Multi Level Menu with ASP.NET, C#, jQuery and SQL Server

solution that I would like to share with others puzzled with the same as was one of my website development guys was having a tough time creating a multi level dropdown menu from database,
So I gave him this :
1. Database
We will be using 2 tables to achieve the same :
a. Category Table ( tbl_cat ):
Category_ID : Unique ID
Category_Name : Text
b. Table to hold category relations ( tbl_cat_rel )
Rel_ID : Unique ID
Category_ID : foreign key
Parent_ID : Parent Category ID
Sort_ID : In case you want to sort category display.

2. Stored Procedure

This part is bit tricky as we will be calculating number of childs a particular category holds

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_getCategory					



Select a.Category_ID, a.Parent_ID, c.Category_Name, b.totalSubCats 					

from tbl_cat_rel as a LEFT OUTER JOIN 					

(SELECT Parent_ID, count(*) as totalSubCats 					

FROM tbl_cat_rel GROUP BY Parent_ID) as b 					

ON a.Category_ID = b.Parent_ID					

LEFT OUTER JOIN tbl_cat as c 					

on a.Category_ID = c.Category_ID					

ORDER BY a.Category_ID					


3. jQuery

Although you can use any jQuery menu you find suitable, for this example I am using
DDSmooth menu available at : http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex1/ddsmoothmenu.htm

4. Codes
I am assuming that you have selected a suitable menu Literal or similar to print its navigation values. In this example I will be using literal as follows :

<div id="smoothmenu1" class="ddsmoothmenu"> 					

<asp:Literal runat="server" ID="lt_navMenu"></asp:Literal>					

<br style="clear: left" />					


And here are the CS codes :

// I am sure you know how to get data from tables :)					

this.createMenu(DSdataSet.Tables["tbl_categories"], 0); 					


private void createMenu(DataTable dt, int pID)					


lt_navMenu.Text = lt_navMenu.Text + "&lt;ul&gt;";					

for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) //Loop until rows are still there.					


if (Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["ParentID"]) == pID) 					


lt_navMenu.Text = lt_navMenu.Text + "<li><a href=\"/" +					

dt.Rows[i]["Category_Name"].ToString() + ".aspx \">" + 					

dt.Rows[i]["Category_Name"].ToString() + "</a>";					


//Till the time item has childs					

if (dt.Rows[i]["totalSubCats"] != DBNull.Value) 					

this.createMenu(dt, Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["catID"]));					

lt_navMenu.Text = lt_navMenu.Text + "</li>";					



lt_navMenu.Text = lt_navMenu.Text + "</ul>";					


The above was used in - http://www.svengg.co/

Till Next...

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